Perimeter of Polygons Calculator



Perimeter of Polygons Calculator


Perimeter of Polygons Calculator

Step 1. Determine whether the polygon is regular.

The shape is regular if all the sides are the same length.

Step 2. Count the number of sides.

Step 3. Determine the length of one side of the polygon.

The shape is regular, so we only need to know the length of one side to calculate the perimeter.
In the diagram, we can see that one side has length .

Step 4. Add up the side lengths.

The shape is regular, so just multiply the length of one side by the number of sides.
This covers all our sides:
So the perimeter of this shape is .
We have some questions for you! Help us out through this
Perimeter is the total distance around the border of a 2D shape. To find the perimeter of a polygon, we need to find the length of each of its sides, then add them all together.
To help us visualize this process, let's imagine we want to brighten up a room by lining it with some string lights.
The perimeter is like the total length of string lights we need to line the walls.
If each of our walls has length , then we need a total string light length of to line the room.
So the perimeter of this room is also equal to . Perimeters are lit ✨.Check out our
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How to Find the Perimeter of Polygons

Step 1. Determine whether the polygon is regular.

The shape is regular if all the sides are the same length.

Step 2. Count the number of sides.

Step 3. Determine the lengths of each side of the polygon.

If the shape is regular, all the sides have the same length, so you only need to know the length of one side to calculate the perimeter.
If the shape is not regular, make sure you find the length of every side you counted in Step 2.

Step 4. Add up the side lengths.

If the shape is regular, just multiply the length of one side by the number of sides.
If the shape is not regular, add up all the side lengths you found in Step 3.
Perimeter of Polygons
Perimeter of Polygons
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