Linear Inequalities Calculator



Linear Inequalities Calculator


Linear Inequalities Calculator

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An inequality is a math sentence that uses an inequality symbol () to tell us how two values or expressions compare to one another.
The inequality below reads is less than .
If we imagine the numbers on a number line, we can see that is less than because it is farther to the left.
If we divide (or multiply) an inequality by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality sign to make the inequality true again.

We can imagine dividing (or multiplying) by a negative as flipping the points on a number line. When we do this, we can see that is farther to the right than ; therefore, the inequality becomes is greater than than .
Let’s take a look at a linear inequality:Solving a linear inequality is very similar to solving a linear equation: we need to isolate the unknown variable so that we can determine which values satisfy the inequality.
Remember, we have to apply the inverse operations to both sides of the equation, and if we divide (or multiply) by a negative number, we have to flip the inequality sign.

Inequality Symbols

Less than, Fewer than, Smaller than
Greater than, More than, Bigger than
Less than or equal to, No more than, At most
Greater than or equal to, No less than, At least
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How to Solve Linear Inequalities

Step 1. Move all the terms with the unknown variable to one side of the equation.

Use the same inverse operations on both sides to do this.

Step 2. Move all the terms with known values or variables to the other side of the equation.

Use the same inverse operation on both sides.

Step 3. Isolate the unknown variable.

Since division is the inverse operation of multiplication, we divide both sides by the number the variable is multiplied by.
If we divide by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality symbol.
Solving Linear Inequalities
Solving Linear Inequalities
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