Decimal to Fraction Calculator

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Decimals are just another way of writing fractions. To convert any decimal to a fraction, we put the decimal part over a power of , where the number of 's is equal to the number of digits after the decimal point.
For example, is like saying we have out of :
The more digits our decimal has, the more 0's our denominator has. So, is like saying we have out of :
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How to Convert Decimals to Fractions
Step 1. Identify the whole part and the decimal part of the number.
If there's a negative sign, ignore it for now.
Step 2. Convert the decimal part to a fraction.
The numerator is the decimal part. The denominator is followed by ’s, where the number of 's is equal to the number of digits after the decimal point.
Step 3. Simplify the fraction
Step 4. Add the whole number to the simplified fraction.
We can write this fraction as either a mixed number or as an improper fraction.
Mixed Number
Improper Fraction
— Converting Decimals to Fractions
— Converting Decimals to Fractions
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