Percentage to Decimal Calculator
Decimal to Percentage Calculator
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Since a decimal and a percentage are both fractions of , we can easily convert a decimal to a percentage and a percentage to a decimal.When we "convert" certain words to another language, they keep the same spelling but change symbols.
When it comes to understanding how to convert percentages to decimals and decimals to percentages, it helps to think about money π°.
If we have , then we have dollars ( cents) or of dollar. of
Notice that to convert the decimal to a percentage, we simply need to move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add a percent symbol.And to convert the percentage to a decimal, we simply need to remove the percent symbol and move the decimal point 2 places to the left.
Converting Decimals and Percentages vs "Converting" Words
π"telephone" (English) = "tΓ©lΓ©phone" (French)
When we convert between decimals and percentages, a similar thing happens. The numbers stay the same, but the symbol (and placement of the decimal point) changes.Check out our or explore our and sections to learn more about converting between decimals and percentages and test your understanding.
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How to Convert a Decimal to a Percentage
Convert aStep 1. Move the decimal point 2 places to the right.
To convert a decimal to a percent, we move in the same direction we take to get from D to P in the alphabet, which is to the to the right.
Step 2. Add the percent sign.
β Converting a Decimal to a Percentage
β Converting a Decimal to a Percentage
β Converting a Percentage to a Decimal
β Converting a Percentage to a Decimal
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