Adding and Subtracting Decimals Calculator

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Think of adding decimals like adding beads to a necklace, and subtracting decimals like removing beads from a necklace.

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We can have all sorts of wacky beads or charms, but no matter what, their holes have to line up in order to add and remove them!

Our decimal points are like the bead holes. We might have decimals of different lengths, but as long as we make sure to line up our decimal points, we’ll be able to add and subtract them up with no problem!
Try dragging the bottom decimal to line up the decimal points!

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How to Add and Subtract Decimals
Step 1. Line up the decimal points.
We have to line up the decimal points just like we have to line up the holes in beads to make a bracelet.
Step 2. Add trailing zeros.
This step is optional, but we can add 's to the end of our shorter decimal to make adding and subtracting decimals easier.
Step 3. Add/subtract.
The decimal point in the final answer should line up with the other decimal points.
— Adding and Subtracting Decimals
— Adding and Subtracting Decimals
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